Uncanny Comparisons For Joseph P. Larson and Robin Roseau

Below is just a snapshot of information that shows what Joe, Robin, and Julia P. Lynde have in common and we have screenshots to back it all up. Four of which are pasted below as examples. 

Joe/Robin – Birthday: September

Joe/Robin – Age: 51

Joe/Robin – Job Title & Occupation: VP of Development, Software Programmer

Joe/Robin – Job Promotions: Both promoted to VP in 2013

Joe/Robin - Goodreads: Both rate and give Julia P. Lynde’s books all 5 star reviews

Joe/Robin/Julia: Some of the same male and female reviewers on Amazon all give Robin and Julia's books 5 star reviews, and they are the only books they have reviewed

Joe/Robin/Julia: All state they have gray hair, blue eyes, and wear glasses

Joe/Robin: Both own and ride motorcycles

Joe/Robin/Julia: All live in the same city and state. Robin and Joe both have the same home address and cellphone number

Below are two screenshots from Jospeh P. Larson's Facebook Wall as well as a screenshot of Julia P. Lynde's Twitter account showing they both attended the same concert for Bajomondo on March 24th, 2013, in Minneapolis, Minnesota

The third screenshot below is for a review from a book that J.P. Larson writing as himself/a man, published under his own name. The reviewer accuses Joe of being obsessed with lesbians. The fourth screenshot shows where Joe Larson added lesbian tags to all of Julia P. Lynde's books on Amazon.


  1. Joe/Robin/Julia: The same male and female reviewers on Amazon all give Robin and Julia's books 5 star reviews, and they are the only books they have reviewed

    This one I can personally substantiate. This is a lie. I have written five star reviews of Julia's, Robin's and YOUR books and they are few among the over a hundred reviews that I have been writing for the last ten years.

  2. I beg to differ with you Gordon because No, this not a lie! You flatter yourself to think I was referring to you by the comment above, which I was not. I never named names. Anyone with a brain in their head can go look at Julia Lynde's reviews and compare the reviewers to the same ones who review Robin Roseau's books and yes, it is the same ones and those two authors are THEE only authors they've reviewed. Like you, most tend to be men, so what does that tell you?

  3. I loved Rewind and am saddened to see Julia P Lynde is a lie. In fact I enjoyed all of "her" books and I am not a man, I am a bisexual woman. This really sucks.
